Free Returns
November Free Returns Offer
Order 2 or more items in a single purchase for the month of November 2022 and should you need to return an item, the return delivery is on us! If you need to return an item, please submit your return request to us as usual and request a free return booking code. We will then provide you with instructions to have the item picked up from your door... for free! :)
Promotion terms:
- Orders for 2 or more items are eligible for a single return delivery
- Mode will supply a booking code to use at
- The return must be sent back via Returnit - no other courier/postal methods will be reimbursed
- The offer is for a single return delivery. Should multiple items need to be returned to multiple Mode stores, only 1 return delivery is free.
- Eligible on orders placed up until 11:59PM November 30th 2022.
All conditions of our returns policy still apply, please make sure you familiarise yourself with these conditions before purchasing.